Recent events
Jan.: Invited contribution to a NSVP think tank
discussing various scenarios for the future of the (Dutch) labour market. (NSVP)
Sep.: Journal article published on the double risk of hybrid working; To connect or disconnect or both? Available in Dutch language journal
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken,
Jun.: Journal article published on the extent to which there is untapped labour supply in the Netherlands, available open access in Dutch language journal
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken,
Jun.: Research report published (in Dutch) on trends in the quality of labour in the Netherlands 2014-2022.
Apr.: Journal article published on the effects of homeownership on labour market outcomes of the unemployed, via financial hardship. The paper
is available open access in the Journal of Housing Economics,
Apr.: Interview in ArbeidsmarktInZicht magazine
(in Dutch) where I give a glimpse of systems thinking with respect to labour market shortages. (Link)
Mar: Co-edited journal issue published
on 'what work is useful and who decides on that', including our thoughts and perspectives as editors (link
to our editorial), published in the latest edition of Dutch language journal
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, which I edited together with Ronald Dekker and Ronald Batenburg.
Feb.: Hosted a discussion session
discussing the question whether labour markets are also tight if we focus labour on jobs that cover our basic needs and not so much on our wants. (Link)
Jan.: Article in PropertyNL Magazine
(for Dutch language real estate professionals) summarizing findings from my research on working-from-home and employee outcomes, such as well-being, technostress, engagement and burn-out. (Link)
Dec.: Article in NVP Magazine
(for Dutch language HR practitioners) summarizing findings from my research on working-from-home and employee outcomes, such as well-being, technostress, engagement and burn-out. (Link)
Nov.: Interview with Taylor & Francis
to talk about my research on unemployment benefit eligibility criteria and to talk about my experiences publishing open access. (Link)
Nov.: Invited seminar speaker
at Zadelhoff Nyenrode institute for real estate research, where I presented an overview of my research on employee outcomes of hybrid working - with special attention to the role of the office-building - to an audience of real estate professionals. Nyenrode Business University, 8 Nov.
Jun: Journal articles published
on the effects of work-from-home during the COVID-19 pandemic on employee
burn-out (link
to this article) and our thoughts and perspectives as editors on
telework during and since the pandemic (link
to our editorial), published in the latest edition of Dutch language
Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken, which I edited together with
Pascale Peters.
May: Media appearance on BNR News
radio to comment on the inflation, interest rate and wage bargaining process.
Listen here:
Mar.: Journal article published
on the effect of unemployment benefit requirements on the affected
unemployed person's perceived time pressure. The paper
is available open access in Social Science Quarterly,
Nov.: Research report published
on the dynamics of financial worries and the effects on well-being and
labour market behaviour. Available
Nov.: Journal article published
on the relation between New Ways of Working during COVID-19 and workers'
Technostress, Need for recovery, Work engagement and Well-being. The paper
is available Open Access
Nov.: Media appearance on RTL-Z
News to comment on the tight labour market for technically trained
personnel. Watch here from minute 3:00:
Oct.: Commissioned research report
on the increasingly tight labour market for
technically trained personnel in The Netherlands.
Journal article published
in the Journal of Economic Psychology, on the effects of financial hardship
on unemployed's job search quality and job search effectiveness. The paper
is available Open Access
- May-Jul: Media coverage
for our recent journal article about benefit
eligibility requirements as
The Guardian refers to our recent paper and we were invited to
contribute articles to
The Conversation, and to
Austaxpolicy. Together with quite
some attention for our article on Twitter, this shows how timely and
relevant our research is.
- May: Journal article published.
I'm happy with the publication of our paper (with
Riccardo Welters) on the effects of benefit eligibility requirements on the
job search behaviour and labour market outcomes of unemployed, in Applied
Economics Letters - available Open Access for anyone to read
Mar.: Commissioned research report + methodological report published
a project I led on the connection between
education and the labour market - or the school-work transition - for the
‘green sector’ in The Netherlands. For this project, together with
stakeholders in the sector, we constructed a custom classification of the
‘green sector’ in terms of which educational programs (crebo/croho),
industries (SBI) and occupations (ISCO) belong to the ‘green sector’.
Link to
report and
link to methodological report. Both in Dutch.
Feb.: Joined editorial board.
I'm honoured and delighted to join the editorial
board of Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken (TvA) - the Dutch-language
peer-reviewed journal on issues concerning the labor market, work
organization, labor relations and working conditions.
Sep.: Journal article published.
I'm happy that our paper 'New Ways of Working and
Intrapreneurial Behaviour: the mediating role of Transformational Leadership
and Social Interaction', together with Sanne van Wetten and Cecile van
Sambeek has been published in Review of Managerial Science and is available
Open Access for anyone to read.
Sep.: Journal article published.
I'm happy that our paper 'Do New Ways of Working
increase informal learning at work?', together with Andries de Grip and
Arnoud Weustink has now been published in Personnel Review.
Journal article
in Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, on the effects of liquidity
constraints on the unemployed's job search behavior and labour market
outcomes. Available Open Access for anyone to read,
Apr.: Journal article published.
I'm happy that our paper 'Are graduates’
intrapreneurial skills optimally used for innovation?', together with Sanne
van Wetten and Andries de Grip has been published in
Technovation and available Open Access for anyone to read online.
Mar.: Commissioned research article published.
We studied the relation between work pressure,
work engagement and turnover intention for Dutch public sector employees,
commissioned by the Ministery of Interior and Kingdom Relations.
Visiting researcher abroad.
I spent some weeks
at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, working together with Dr.
Riccardo Welters putting the finishing touches to two of our papers,
catching up with all the friends and colleagues I got to know throughout my
past visits, as well as getting to know some new friendly folks! Thanks for
everyone who made my stay this great and productive again.